Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nothing has worked for my acne what should i do

« ...Antibiotic Dangers: Taking an antibiotic may be an easy method of controlling acne, when it is successful, but there can be a huge downside. Tips : most of your body is made up of water and it is a cleansing agent that will help fight off bacteria that lead to acne breakouts....
...When pores become blocked with access oils and skin cells the normal bacteria will also begin to grow in the blocked pore. The bacteria will then begin to produce chemicals that change the oil. This change often makes the oil more irritating to the skin. When the skin gets irritated it can lead to inflammation, which leads to acne....»
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«...Oral antibiotics have been one of the widely used treatments for acne after over-the-counter treatments don't work well for ones acne problem. There are two things that oral antibiotics does against acne. It acts like an anti-inflammatory medicine and tries to annihilate bacteria in your body (This includes those bacteria that are beneficial to your body). P.acnes, the bacteria that causes acne, is destroyed in the process. ...»
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tags: acne free clear skin treatments pockmark filler, neck acne, lemon oil for use with hormonal acne

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